March 31- April 1, 2025 (Monday & Tuesday)
Seminaarimäki campus (L-Building), University of Jyväskylä
Jyväskylän yliopistossa järjestetään maalis – huhtikuun vaihteessa 2025 tapahtuma, joka on maksuton ja avoin kaikille, mutta ennakkoilmoittautuminen edellytetään. Linkki ilmoittautumiseen löytyy ohjelman jälkeen alta.
Tapahtuman järjestävät Joona Taipale ja Eeva Pihlaja / Suomen Akatemian hanke “Asymmetric Encounters: Intersubjectivity and the Sense of Boundaries”
The aim of this conference is to explore the contemporary psychoanalytic understanding on sexuality. This involves exploring how Freud’s ideas have been challenged and retained by subsequent psychoanalytic scholars. There is also a need to reassess the theory of Oedipal development and the role of the early nurturing environment to the child’s emerging sexuality from our present-day perspective. Parenting, gender, and sexual orientation are approached in a much wider manner than in Freud’s time and the notion of diversity has become a hallmark feature of current approaches to sexuality. We feel that psychoanalysis must be able to respond to those changes. In particular, our emphasis is on the relationship between sexuality and sensuous pleasure, with the intention to sketch the possible directions that psychoanalytic scholarship can take to deal with present and future challenges.
Monday, March 31 (L302)
10:00-10:15 Opening words
10:15-11:15 Bruce Reis (New York): ”Men’s Fantasied Relation to Semen: The Fluid Medium to Alterity and Self-Transcendence”
11:15-12:00 Comment and general discussion: Joona Taipale
12:00-13:30 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Maria Lival-Juusela (Helsinki): ”A History of Painful Affects. Traversing Psychoanalytic Landscapes of Homosexuality”
15:00-15:30 Coffee
15:30-16:15 Comment and general discussion: Timo Sampolahti
Tuesday, April 1 (L303)
10:00-11:00 Christine Kirchhoff (Berlin): ”On the negativity of the beginning and the actuality of the old: Nachträglichkeit, object choice and the body”
11:00-11:45 Comment and general discussion: Joona Taipale
11:45-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 Eeva Pihlaja: “Laplanche’s enigma and communicating otherness creatively in caretaking”
14:15-14:45 Coffee
14:45-15:30 Comment and general discussion: TBA
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