Joona Taipale: Winnicott and the environment-father

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Date(s) - 08/03/2025
12:00 - 14:30


A paper presented by Joona Taipale, University of Jyvaskyla, a Squiggle event collaboration with the Finnish Psychoanalytic Society.

Joona Taipale is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Jyvaskyla.

“My research focuses on the foundations of social experience, with a particular emphasis on early and mid-20th century thinking. I have written extensively on the topics of selfhood and agency, empathy and interpersonal understanding, intentionality and the problem of other minds, and social recognition and the ethics of interpersonal encounter.”

We are delighted to present this event in association with the Finnish Psychoanalytic Society. The introduction will include reflections on Winnicott’s contribution to the establishment of their Society.

Chair: Adrian Sutton, Director of the Squiggle Foundation.

10:00–11:30: Introduction, Presentation & Discussants

11:40–12:30: Plenary Discussion

Squiggle Members free – Administrator will provide link.

Non-members £30

Students £15 contact info@squiggle-foundation.orgto book

A number of bursaries are available: contact us for details.

Bookings close March 6th.

Further information: