Transience and Illusion in Music and in Psychoanalytic Encounters

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Date(s) - 04/05/2024
09:00 - 17:30

Tieteiden talo


FT, dos. yliopistonlehtori Joona Taipale (Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto) ja Suomen Psykoanalyyttinen Yhdistys järjestävät 4.5.2024 workshopin, jossa tutkitaan ohimenevyyden ja illuusion merkitystä tärkeissä kohtaamisissa vertailemalla psykoanalyyttista kohtaamista  ja musiikin kokemista toisiinsa.
May 4, 2024
House of Sciences and Letters / Tieteiden talo
Much like experiences of music, our significant human encounters are transient occurrences that have a lasting effect. A tune just played is no longer audible, and yet it makes itself felt; likewise, our fleeting encounter with another person may leave us with an ambiguous feeling of presence. There is an interesting tension between transience and permanence: what we find personally significant we would unconsciously want to secure permanently, and accepting the transience of the encounter hence tends to motivate us to devalue the latter. Yet, if we are not to take others for granted and yet consider them valuable to us, we must make use of illusions. The workshop focuses on the role of transience and illusion in significant interpersonal encounters by building comparisons between psychoanalytic encounters and experiences of music.
9:00-9:15 Opening words
9:15-10:30 Francis Grier (London): ”Illusion, musicality and evanescence”
10:30-11:45 Susanna Välimäki (Helsinki): ”Transience, Trauma and Death in Kaija Saariaho’s  Trumpet Concerto HUSH (2023): A Psychoanalytic Listening”
11:45-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:30 Jenni Pajari (Oulu): ”Developmental illusion and search for true self”
14:30-15:45 Joona Taipale (Jyväskylä): ”Three psychodynamic functions of music-listening”
15:45-16:15 Coffee
16:15-17:30 Henrik Enckell (Helsinki): ”On transience, illusions, responsibility and the goal of psychoanalysis”
17:30 Closing words
The event is free and open to all, but prior registration is required.
To register, please follow this link:
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